LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. LMS version was promoted to production on September 24, 2017.
Latitude is excited to announce the release of its new Reporting Engine and Report Writer tool. This new feature not only updates the look and feel of the Reporting function in the LMS, but improves the ability of our customers to report on training history and provide that information to others who need it.
New Report Writer for Portal Administrators
The Report Writer is a flexible feature that allows Portal Administrators to create, save, organize, and execute custom reports that can also be shared easily with other roles who need access to them. The current version focuses on the selection and retrieval of data related to course transcripts and certification/curriculum goal information. Report results are run asynchronously and you will be notified by email when your report is ready to view. Data in these custom reports is not summarized in the report results. It instead relies on the user to to further evaluate the data, as they wish, in an external application such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access.
Portal Administrators can CLICK HERE to learn more about using the Report Writer.
New Reporting Engine for all Users
All users with access to reporting will notice a change to the user interface when selecting the Reports option. Classic "legacy" reports, including any custom reports Latitude built for you, will be available in the Classic Reports section, in folders that replicate the section headers from the legacy reports list. If a portal administrator uses the Report Writer to share custom reports with particular roles, users in those roles will find these new reports in the separate Reports Folders section.
All Reports users can CLICK HERE to learn more about using the new-look Reporting engine.
Add/Edit Transcript: To prevent confusion about enrollment dates vs score dates and eliminate instances in which the completion date could be earlier than the enrollment date:
--for manually loaded transcripts, we changed the derived enrollment date from current date to the score date entered on the transcript.
--during Edit Transcript activities, we added logic and a warning message to prevent entry of a score date that precedes the enrollment date.
Brands: Replaced references to "Publisher" with "Brand" in places where it was still showing incorrectly. Made the Brand field available on all course-related pages, including Search Courses, Add Course, and the View/Edit Course Details/General tabs. It is hidden for portals that do not use Brands. Brand visibility is configurable by role and may be activated by request to Latitude Client Care.
Two-factor Authentication (2FA): When 2FA is active, we improved the portal administrator's ability to update a user's password regardless of the user's two factor authentication question status (both questions answered, one question answered, or no questions answered.)