resolved issues
Instructors > Search Instructors: Now when searching instructors, the instructor list is scoped to the searching user's organization/position. Note: When person-to-person reporting is enabled, an Administrator is able to view users with the Instructor role if those instructors also have an active profile in any organization within the scope of the Administrator's oversight.
Certification/Curriculum: Made updates to prevent creation of duplicate certifications/curriculums with the identical name in the system. Will trim Certification/Curriculum names if length is greater than 50 characters due to limitations in max length of the database Name field. Also setting newly copied Certifications and Curriculums to Inactive by default.
View Goals: Ensured that the information displayed on the Goals tab (both Assigned and Available) matches whether fully impersonating a user or when viewing a user's home page as the manager.
Person-to-Person Reporting - Direct Report Visibility: Updated to ensure that managers with company-, business unit-, and division-level profiles can see their direct reports without switching profiles.
Search Users > Advanced User Search: Added "Revoked" to the comparison options for Certification/Curriculum criterion. This brings it in line with related search options in the new Reporting Engine.
New Reporting Engine and Report Writer: Made updates to the new reporting engine that initially launched on September 24, 2017. These changes included minor bug fixes and improvements for display uniformity and usability. Notable inclusions:
- Added Preferred Language translations for Site and Help texts
- Added Page Loading icon to both the Reports List and Report Results pages
- Report results files now include a record count in the header
- Improved the uniformity of pop-up window formats
- Ensured that Add Folder and Add Report forms are always loaded without values that were previously cached
- Roles with access to Inactive records in the Standard Filter options will see those records denoted in the type-ahead match list as (Inactive).
- Improved data scoping logic for filter criteria and results. Users running a report will return results for themselves and for any of their subordinates. Users with a Student role but no subordinates can run reports shared with them to return results for just themselves.
- Locked the Report Entity setting upon saving a new report. Once a report exists, it is no longer possible to toggle the Report Entity type between Course and Certification/Curriculum.
- Added new Filters for:
- Report Entity - Certification/Curriculum: Added standard filters for Position Group and Program; changed Goal Status options to Achieved, Assigned, or Revoked
- Report Entity - Course: Added Advanced Filter option under Transcript for selection by Last Update date
For information on the original 9/24/17 release of the New Report Engine and Report Writer tools, CLICK HERE.
We are also hosting a training webinar about the New Reporting Engine on October 24, 2017 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EDT. Portal administrators can sign up from their own LMS by going to Site Management > LMS Training, then enrolling in Offering #15936. Click the Return to My Portal button when finished to exit the Latitude Training portal.