LatitudeCG announces the latest release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. New LMS version was promoted to production on December 10, 2017.
Add Department: Improved failure message by including field level information on the exact reason for failure.
Certification Management > Add Program: Provided an "Add Successful" banner message after successful submission of a new Program record.
Legacy Home Page: Made the style and appearance of Featured Courses, Interest List, and Mail Center consistent.
New Header: Fixed issue with profile-switching in which a Return to Default Profile icon appeared even if attempting to switch to an invalid location via an expanded Company-level organization selection field.
Stylesheet: Made updates to the default stylesheet.
User Profiles: To reduce issues caused when Primary profile is set to anything other than a location-level profile, we removed the ability to select "Set Primary" from non-Location-based profiles.
User Search - Advanced: Corrected two display issues, one causing stacking of type-ahead menu results and another providing inaccurate results counts and pagination after sorting by a different column on results from other than page one.
User Search - Classic: Updated to allow use of keyboard Enter to execute a search in addition to the Search button.