LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. A new LMS version ( was promoted to production on January 7, 2018.
We are pleased to announce the following new enhancements to the LMS experience. We recommend you review the details about these new features in detail HERE.
New Responsive Pages introduced to the New User Interface (UI): We continue to build our new, responsive user interface (New UI) with the addition of two updated pages available from the New UI Navigation page:
- What's New - Allows Portal Administrators to display custom content to their end users, including content tailored using Organization and Position branding. This page employs the same HTML Content file used in the legacy Home Page that displayed in the Welcome area. (HTML filename: home_page)
- Messages - Provides an updated, dynamic new way to view your system-generated announcements and notifications. This page presents the same content found in the legacy Home page under the Mail Center.
New LMS Configuration Settings: We added several new options to the Site Management > LMS Information page to give portal administrators more control over their users' learning experience.
- Login Landing Page Selections: There are two new options available in the Login Landing Page configuration setting. These add to the options made available on November 12, 2017, allowing a portal administrator to determine which page their users should see first upon login. In addition the original options for legacy UI Home page or the New UI Navigation page, it will now be possible to select the What's New or Courses to Complete page.
- LMS Branding: This new section on the LMS Information page offers the ability to customize branding for Language, What's New Content, Left Navigation Content, Login Page Content, Stylesheet, and Header Logo. One particular change portal administrators will notice is that the Header Logo must now be selected from this section on the LMS Information page instead of through Site Management > Edit Images. Managing the images available for use in the LMS remains in the Edit Images feature.
- New Baseline Stylesheet: To create a more unified look between the Legacy and New LMS platforms, we implemented a baseline stylesheet.css with an updated LatitudeLearning design. If you already customized your UI with company branding, many of your styling elements are now reflected in the New UI Header and these pages: Navigation, Courses to Complete, Messages, and What's New. Another aspect of this change was to remove access to the Classic User Search. You can learn how to use the Advanced User Search HERE. As we continue to add to the new platform, this baseline stylesheet will give you the ability to customize both the Legacy and New UI elements with a single update to your CSS file.
Certifications: Replaced references to CYO "Current Year Only" with CPO "Current Program Only" for relevant Certification pages, including Generic Rule pages for elective and completion evaluation types.
Enroll Others - Change Student: Updated to land on the Enrollment Eligibility page after selecting a new student and to ensure the correct confirmation messaging occurs upon submission.
Forgot Password Page: Updated formatting of text and fields to improve consistency across browsers.
Forgot Username Page: Updated formatting of text and fields to improve consistency across browsers.
Mail Center: Corrected the inconsistent display of icons for Automatic Notifications (envelope) versus Announcements (exclamation).
- General - Announcement Made - updated the default values to correct or add translations.
- Course Offering - Announcement Made - updated to send proper translation of the message to users whose default language is other than English.
New Stylesheet: updated to remove a small section of white space appearing in some picker windows.
New User Interface (UI):
- Transitioned the logout confirmation message display from the legacy popup format to the new UI modal format.
- Corrected situation in which the language context was not being cleared upon removing impersonation of a user whose default language is other than English.
- Made launch behavior for video course content in the new UI consistent with the legacy UI.
- Courses to Complete page - Corrected translations for confirmation messages upon successful self-certified completion of Self-Studies courses.
- Corrected display of navigation page icons when the browser window is smaller/narrow.
New Header:
- Made the header icons, logo, and fonts consistent in size between the new and legacy user interfaces.
- Corrected the situation in which pressing Enter from the classic User Search page with the cursor in the header Course Search field was returning user records rather than course records.
- Added an indicator (#) that displays next to a user's primary profile in the user profile drop-down list. This will improve visibility of the primary profile for users who are switching between it and other secondary profiles.
Roster Processing: Corrected situation in which a location manager role could modify the roster of an offering.
Soft User Impersonation: Ensured that the stylesheet of the impersonated user is not retained after an action is taken on the left navigation menu.
Tuition Payment Page: Updated payment option logos and removed old site texts to be in line with current usage.
User Search:
- Fixed issue in which Next Page button was disabled after sorting columns and changing the Items Per Page option on multi-page results lists.
- Corrected inconsistent results generation when using Department as a criterion.
User Self-Registration: Added a "Sign Up" link to login control so that it only appears if the User Self-Registration flag is selected on the Site Management > LMS Information page.