LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version ( was promoted to production on Saturday, February 3, 2018.
We are pleased to announce the following enhancements to the LatitudeLearning LMS experience.
Courses To Complete Page Updated in New User Interface (UI): We have updated this page to use our new base.css styling and to improve usability through consistency and better use of page space. In addition to making the style of this page consistent with other new pages, such as the Reports page, the key updates include better alignment of various elements on the page, consistency in date formats, and modification of Course Group - Component Course Status from Unknown to Not Enrolled. We also provided translations for error messages related to Self-Certified Completion of Self-Study courses.
Browser Page Titles: Removed the display of "Latitude Learning Center:" from the page titles shown on a browser's tabs.
Courses to Complete:
- Corrected an error causing conflicts with other user IDs when selecting various tabs.
- Improved "Pending" status descriptions to better reflect the reason an enrollment or interest is pending.
- Fixed issue in which a Failed Assessment course with no attempts remaining continued to display on both the Courses to Complete and Legacy Home pages. Also removed the potential for users to cancel their own Failed/Completed transcript.
Edit Stylesheet: Added a Style Guide under the Stylesheet File "stylesheet" to aid portal administrators in customizing the look and feel of their LMS.
Enroll Others:
- Fixed an issue causing enrollment conflicts for users with preferred language other than English, even when the course is offered in their preferred language.
- Provided translations for descriptive site texts that were still showing in English on the Quick Enroll and Batch Enroll pages.
- For offering-related enrollment, corrected inconsistencies in the Roster Detail tab label shown when selecting other roster-related tabs in both Quick Enroll and Batch Enroll. It should always display as Roster Detail.
LMS Information: Added a Brands setting which allows portal administrators to enable the Brands feature on the left navigation without contacting Latitude ClientCare.
Messages - New UI and legacy Mail Center: Corrections to stylesheet for alignment of some page elements.
My People - View Home Page: Removed the ability of users who are not portal administrators to Add a New Transcript or Override Certification on the History tab
New Header/New UI:
- Corrected display issues in which some generic page error messages on the new User Interface were being hidden at the top of the page by the header.
- Fixed situation in which a portal administrator's header loses the new Navigation icon when viewing a user's home page from My People.
- Updated new UI to recognize users with highest role Guest as valid users.
New Portal Creation > Add Topics: fixed issues occurring for new LMS portals when attempting to activate Course Topics and Add Topic.
New UI Student/Manager Workflow: Ensured tuition-based courses enrolled in via the new UI pages direct to the new version of the payment page instead of the legacy version.
Resources: Made updates to correct an issue preventing users with preferred language other than English from downloading Resource documents with translations matching their language.
Search Courses:
- Added logic to control the display of Course Topics breadcrumbs based via the enablement status of Course Topics on the LMS Information settings.
- Under View Offerings, corrected the behavior of this search to work consistently regardless of whether Allow Interest List is set to Yes or No.
Two Factor Authentication (2FA): Enabled ability of users with only a Guest role to establish 2FA challenge questions/answers.
View Home Page - Approve Pending Self-Registrations: Updated so that users can only approve registrations within the scope of their authority.