LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version ( was promoted to production on Sunday, March 4, 2018.
We are pleased to announce the following enhancements to the LatitudeLearning LMS experience.
Browse by Topic: This feature has been moved to a new left navigation pane when searching the course catalog.
Course Catalog Updates:
- Moved "Keyword" search field above the filter control so that it persists on the page.
- Renamed the "Organization" filter to "Catalog".
- Removed the "Course Topics" criterion from the filter controls.
- In the search results area, renamed the "Name and Description" column to "Course" and removed the "Subscription Program" column.
- Moved the "Subscription" filter option "Both" to the bottom of the selection list.
Navigation Page - Training Schedule: Added a new Training Schedule icon to the Navigation page to display an instructor's teaching schedule. This is the new user interface version of the Teaching Schedule widget found on an instructor's Classic Home page. Like the original, there is an option to view teaching assignments that are Open/Future or Open/Past. Each listed offering can be viewed in more detail by selecting View Offering and added to a personal calendar via Export to Calendar. If this icon is set to Display in the Navigation Page Editor, it will only appear to those users with the Instructor role.
Reporting Engine: Added new Standard Filter options in the Report Writer.
- Added "User Group" as a filter for both Course and Certification/Curriculum Entities.
- Added "Assign Date" as a filter for the Certification/Curriculum Entity.
Certification Management - View Goals: Enhanced the View Goals page so that users have access to the goal-setting check box for all statuses. Prior to this, users did not see the check box if the certification was complete.
Certification - View Goals: After executing a search for a specific position group and location, then viewing an individual's Goal Status, clicking Return to Search was resetting the search location to that of the logged in user while retaining the search position group. It now correctly returns to the search page with the original search criteria maintained.
Courses to Complete: Fixed an issue in which eLearning courses on this page were not correctly being updated from the Scheduled or Approved statuses to Launched when in progress but not completed.
Header Course Search: Removed the Delete Entry "X" appearing in this field in Internet Explorer that was not shown in other browsers.
Mobile User Interface: Made updates to improve the style of users landing on the Classic Home Page via mobile. Texts appeared very large, but are now appropriately sized and consistent.
Organizational Branding: Corrected issue with the logo display at the location level after the specified logo is deleted. Deleting the location-specific logo causes the broken image icon to remain even though the header logo selection reverts to <none> . It is necessary to re-save the location's organization branding tab again to refresh to the default company logo.
Report - Course Completions by Course: Updated the logic of this report to pull information for all location accountability types for those customers who employ multiples (e.g. Sales, Parts, Service). It was previously only considering a single accountability (e.g. Sales), causing users in locations without that designation to be excluded from the report.
User Soft Impersonation: When soft impersonating a user from Edit User > View Home Page or from My Employees, the default Home Page settings are now ignored and the manager or portal administrator is taken to the impersonated user's classic or new home (main.aspx or main2.aspx). It is also removing soft impersonation when the logo or Home icon is selected and returning the portal administrator to the appropriate home page as set under LMS Information.