LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, April 15, 2018.
We are pleased to announce the following enhancements to the LatitudeLearning LMS experience.
Security: Removed "Password" from the "Student - Login Credentials Added/Updated" message. Changed the "Notify User?" event to send two notifications when a portal administrator resets the password - one with username (Student - Login Credentials Added/Updated) and a second with Password (Student - Password Reset.)
User Search: We have modified the filter criterion for Username Search. It is now labeled "User" and is a type-ahead field that will find results using first name, last name, and username data. Matches appear in a list and you can select the desired user from that list, then use the Edit User Account, Edit User Profiles, and Impersonate buttons to perform the desired task.
Batch Enroll: Provided additional translations for Step 2 of 4.
Header Logo: Corrected the display behavior of the header when using a larger logo. When decreasing the window size, some elements were overlapping improperly before the header options turned into the hamburger menu.
Navigation - Skills page: Fixed duplication of Skill Area column heading in the Individual Curriculum Completion Status table.
Stylesheet: In LMS Branding, use of <none> value now correctly defaults to base.css instead of stylesheet.css.
User Impersonation: Fixed an error caused when removing impersonation if the LMS is set with Courses to Complete as the home page.
User Search: Provided missing translations for user search column headers, row criteria, comparisons, and other elements.