LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, May 13, 2018.
Resolved issues
Announcements: Corrected issues with scoping of direct reports for managers with the ability to send announcements.
Audience: Removed Administrator role access to view/edit Audience records. This capability is reserved for Portal Administrators.
Branding: Fixed issue in which some HTML content files were missing from the drop-down list for branding under LMS Information, Position Group, and some Organizations.
Edit HTML: HTML Content files are now listed in alphabetical order.
Enrollments: Refined an update made in the last post which addressed portal administrators being able to enroll a student under impersonation when trying to use a discount code.
Facilities: Corrected type Virtual Classroom to no longer require a mailing address.
Header - Mobile: Further refined updates made in the previous post to correct issues in which viewing the user profile drop-down list in the mobile header was requiring scrolling for some mobile devices. When the user has too many profiles to display in the drop-down, a MORE button will display that returns the user to their Account page where additional profiles are listed and available for activation.
Login Landing Page: When set to Reports, corrected a situation in which users with roles below Location Administrator were landing on the Navigation page instead of the Reports page.
Position Group Branding: Ensured What's New content selection drop-down is populated with all available values.
- Fixed issue in which some portals did not see the Report Submitted message after running a report.
- Correct issue with display of User Group Standard Filter values.
Security: We now require the temporary password set during the User Import Process to meet Latitude LMS Password Standards.
- Allow user Effective Date and End Date to be on the same date. This formerly caused an error requiring that one of the dates be changed.
- When users login with no default profile and select from the choices that pop up, we corrected an issue in which the LMS was not recognizing the correct Login Landing page.
- When using Edit User - View Home Page, corrected an issue in which a portal admin edits a user to View Home Page and the LMS was not honoring the established default home page and was returning to the Navigation page regardless of setting.
User Search: corrected scoping issues so that users with an Administrator role in position-based reporting do not see an unscoped view of all users. They should only retrieve users within the scope of their organizational/positional rights.
IMPORTANT NOTE for users with a Portal Administrator role - Some changes in this release are now enforcing position relationships for employee/user oversight in portals with position-based reporting. In the past, users with a Portal Administrator role might still be able to view all users at their assigned organizational levels regardless of having the most superior position or not. If you are a Portal Administrator and you are experiencing issues searching for or locating all users, you may need adjustments to your profiles to regain full oversight. These are key points to remember when setting up a Portal Administrator:
- In addition to a location-based profile that is set to be their Primary/Default profile, they should have an additional profile at an upper-level organization, normally "Company" in order to allow them full visibility and management of the users and training programs at the broadest level.
- At this upper organization profile:
- Position should be the highest position in the position hierarchy. By default this is TRA, but if the hierarchy has been modified, it should be the new representation of the highest position. If multiple positions are listed, thes highest position should be set as Primary (via the radio buttons to the left of the positions listed.)
- Role should be Portal Administrator.
- All positions should flow up through an unbroken hierarchy to the TRA (or highest position). Users in orphaned positions may not be visible to the portal administrator or other managers. It is a best practice for all positions to have a superior relationship established except for TRA (or the highest position assigned to the portal administrators.)
- Existing portal administrators who experience a change in their ability to see users should look to their profiles and edit as appropriate using the guidelines above.