LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Tuesday night, May 29, 2018.
We are pleased to announce the following enhancements to the LatitudeLearning LMS experience.
- Report Scheduling: We enhanced the Reporting Engine with the ability to schedule reports. An Add Schedule
icon is now listed with the action icons for reports on the Report List page. It leads to a new Add Schedule page on which portal administrators may set up a specific schedule for a report. All scheduled reports will be available in a list on the Scheduled Reports page. For additional information on using the Report Scheduling feature, click HERE.
- Audience: The Audience Name character limit was expanded to 255.
- Courses to Complete: Updated the Required tab to indicate the user's current status for each listed course.
- Latitude Navigator Learning Portal - Navigation page:
- Added a Support icon for easy redirection to the Latitude ClientCare web page.
- Added a Customer Portal icon, visible for customers with paid subscriptions
- Added Chat Support icon, visible for customers with paid subscriptions
- Password Security: Enhanced to require a user to change their password on next login whenever a portal administrator updates the password manually or a password is generated by the system.
- Resources - Support for MP4 Streaming: For Resources in MP4 format, the Launch icon will open a new browser tab to the Play Video page. The video will be set to auto-play. This feature will be available from the Resource Library, Edit Resource, Resource Details, and the Self-Study Course pages.
- Self-Study Courses: Enhanced to support streaming video and resource content. A new field Course Content Type will allow selection of Link or Resource. If Link, the Link to Content field displays. If Resource, a single value type-ahead field will match on Resource name for selection. On the Course Details page, the action button was renamed from Launch Content to "Launch". Link to Content types of self-study courses will launch a URL in a new tab. Resource Content files will download/launch in a new tab. Resources in MP4 format will launch on the new Play Video page. As always, remember that Resources must be shared with the same Business Unit (BU) as the course. When the user enrolls, Course business unit scoping is enforced. Resource business unit scoping is enforced when the content is launched. There is no conflict check when adding Resources on Add/Edit Course pages, so portal administrators are responsible for proper setup.
Resolved issues
- The label for the Skill Area on the Search Certification page was corrected from "Category" to "Skill Area."
- Corrected site text on Edit Goal Transitions page.
- Updated the Skill Profile on Add/Edit Certification to default to None rather than blank.
Certificates of Completion: Addressed some display issues with specifically-reported logos.
Courses to Complete: Unified the background displayed for offering meeting times with the rest of the page's background.
Edit Images: Fixed an issue in which the thumbnail of the image was not replaced when a file of the same name was uploaded.
- Corrected hamburger menu display issue on some mobile devices.
- Updated Organizational switch profile drop-down to fix color and font variations and remove a horizontal scroll bar appearing for some users.
Password Security:
- Made corrections to ensure all password standards are being enforced on all relevant pages.
- Provided translations that were missing for the Password Reset page.
- Fixed so that report writer results do not include information for Person-to-Person managerial relationships that are no longer active.
- Corrected display issues with the Advanced Filter Date-related criteria.
- For Report Writer results in Date Achieved and Date Revoked columns, we removed time from the date shown.
- Improved display of advanced filters that were illegible on some mobile devices.
- Corrected the error message displayed when attempting to upload files larger than 180 MB.
- Added hover text "Open Resource" over the Resource Launch button.
- Removed the Launch button from the Add Resource page (for links) so that it doesn't display with a blank target.
Two-factor Authentication: Updated to remove the security question used for the first question from the list presented for selection under the second question.
User Search:
- Fixed situation in which the User Search criterion "User" was failing to load matches.
- Made updates to the display of names in the User type ahead field and relocated the related action buttons to the right of the field.
- Corrected a display issue in which an expanded calendar widget was overlapped by the text fields displayed for other criteria.