LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Saturday, July 7, 2018.
Reporting: Made improvements to the verbiage of the notifications for Report Results Ready and Report Results Error.
Add Course: Corrected issue in which the Add Course "next actions" pop-up was appearing after self-enrollment or enrollment cancellation from the Course Details of the just-added course.
Favorite Tools:
- Updated to allow visibility of Reports for users with an Instructor role.
- Corrected the vertical alignment of the Favorite Tools button labels to center.
- Made all/some common administrator tools Favorite by default to give users a starting point for fine-tuning their list.
- Improved usability of drag and drop function.
Images: Corrected an issue causing the inability to delete an image.
LMS Information Settings: Corrected the Maximum Allowed Days Since Last Login setting to ensure that entries made remain in place when saving the LMS Information page for other settings and to make it possible to clear current entries easily. The limitations on this field require a number of days between 30 and 9999. When the field is blank, no account expiration will occur automatically.
Navigate Away Messaging: Improved variations in browser pop-up messages shown when navigating away from the Edit Navigation and Edit Favorite Tools pages without saving after making a change.
Resources: Updated help texts to reflect new resource content types (html and .mp4).
- Updated Report Scheduling to allow Range Start and End Dates that are the same.
- Improved behavior of Username standard filter type-ahead field.
- Fixed issue in which clicking Add Report or Add Folder overwrites a saved report or folder if added immediately after saving a new report or folder.
- Corrected issue in which the Reports List was not showing after clicking Add Report, then immediately selecting any of the folders under Report Folders.
Stylesheet: Fixed Base.CSS so that container content is left justified, not center-aligned.