LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, August 19, 2018.
SCORM: Implemented a minor enhancement to SCORM Content deployment that allows the system to validate sequencing in the SCORM manifest. This allows files generated from SCORM Cloud that are missing sequencing elements in the manifest to be modified and updated so that they will work properly once deployed.
Stylesheet: Updated the base.css for Reports to remove the outline around the left menu panel and to align the standard filter type-ahead field styles with the type-ahead style used in User Search.
Resolved issues
- Corrected issues in the type-ahead field search behavior when using Username as a Standard Filter.
- Fixed an issue occurring when the language was not English and certain actions would refresh the page, defaulting back to English instead of retaining the selected language.
- Added the name of the report being scheduled to the Add Report Schedule page.
Security: Updated the Generate Random Password function from the Add/Edit User and Forgot Password pages to ensure the temporary password meets password standards (minimum 8 characters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 number.)
- Corrected the alignment of various button labels which were presenting bottom center alignment in some portals.
- Updated styles impacting the display of header logos.
Translations: Added Translations for Primary Rule Names.