LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, September 16, 2018.
We are excited to introduce a number of enhancements in this release.
Goals Page: Added a new, responsive Goals page that will display certification goals assigned to a logged-in user's subordinates, as scoped by the portal's organization and management structures. Overall Goal Completion status and Goal Due Date status will be summarized graphically at the top of the page. The Goals link to this page is found on the Navigation page under My People or on the Classic Home page Employees tab.
My Goals: Replaced the current Training Goals page and renamed the icon on the Navigation page to My Goals. This page will display all certification goals that have been assigned to, waived, or achieved by the logged-in user.
Goal Rules: Enhanced the Goals Rules "preview" step to include a user count.
Mobile Usability: Made improvements in the default stylesheet to remove borders and excess padding when viewed on mobile devices.
Navigation Page: Added counters to display in the corner of the following icons on the Navigation page: Courses to Complete (number of all courses listed), Training Goals (number of unmet training goals), and Approvals (number of pending approvals for enrollment, interests, and self-registration.)
Summary Reports: Enhanced the reporting engine with new entities that summarize course transcript or certification transcript/goal data. Portal Administrators can use the Report Writer to build a summary report using the same Standard Filters and Advanced Filters criteria. Column selections will determine the ordered grouping of results data and therefore will be limited to a few per entity. Report Results for these entities will display transcript records and record counts. Summary results will provide a new “count” column and offer a graphical display of data. Column sort order will determine the grouping logic of transcript/goal data, and therefore drive the quality of summary information and charts.
Learn more about the Goals page, the My Goals page, and Summary Reports by clicking HERE.
Resolved Issue
Certifications: Changed the default sort order for Search Certifications results to Certification Name instead of Skill Area.
Classroom Offerings: Fixed an issue with the export of calendar .ics files for meeting times that span multiple days. Prior to this, the initial multi-day .ics file was correct when applied to the calendar. If the dates were edited in any way and the .ics re-applied, it would only show one date.
Course Audit Information: Built additional course-related audit points to better identify changes to key course and offering data.
Positions: Corrected an issue that was breaking Position search after an attempt to add a position that already exists.
Security: Updated the eLearning course launch window to use https instead of http. This brings it in line with other LMS windows.
User Search: Changed default text in Search Value field from <<All>> to <<Select>> to reinforce the need to make a selection. Leaving a criterion search value empty causes the search to ignore the criterion completely.