LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, October 28, 2018.
We are excited to introduce a number of enhancements in this release.
Course Goals: This enhancement provides training managers the ability to assign and track courses as goals for their users, as an alternative to setting up and assigning Certification or Curriculum goals. Users with the roles Portal Administrator, Administrator, Instructor, Location Administrator, and Location Manager will be able to create, edit, and track Training Goals for users within their domain of oversight (scoped by Organization and Position/Person-to-Person assignments). Users with the Student role can view and self-assign goals from their Training Goals page. Related updates to User Search and the Report Writer include options for filtering or reporting on the new Course Goal information. You can learn more about overall process of setting up, assigning, and managing goals in the documentation linked below:
Goal Rules Automate Training Assignment
Assign Training Goals to Your People
Track and Manage Goals
Navigator Portal Profiles for Portal Administrators: To promote the ability of LatitudeLearning to educate new and existing portal administrators on the use of the the LMS, we have given all users with a portal administrator role in their own LMS portal a profile in the LatitudeLearning Navigator training portal. When editing the portal administrator's user information, this will appear on the list of current profiles under LMS = SUPPORT, Organization = NAVIGATOR. There is no impact on the behavior of the portal administrator's LMS. It allows access to and enrollment in a variety of LatitudeLearning training opportunities, such as LMS "how-to" eLearning, videos, and the Portal Administrator certification process we have in place and continue to enhance.
Assessment: Corrected to allow Assessments containing only Comment Box question types to score as Passed, instead of Failed, when the test's Passing Score is set to "0" percent or "0" number of questions correct. Comment Box questions are never included in scoring. This change facilitates the use of Comment Box-only assessments as course surveys that don't require a score, but for which a passing course status will remove the assessment course survey from the student's Courses to Complete list.
Courses: Updated the Edit Course - General Information page to display Last Modified By and Last Modified Date. These are found under the Additional Information section at the bottom of the page.
Course Details: Added space after colon for the Description field for Course Details pages.
Course Offerings: Added Last Modified By and Last Modified Date to the Offering General page.
Courses to Complete: Fixed an issue in which users with a Location Manager role were not provided detailed course information when clicking the course type icon to expand the view.
eCommerce: Updated field-specific and online help for eCommerce-related information on the LMS Information page.
- Ensured that when a goal is deleted, the user's selected sort order is maintained.
- Corrected Goal Rules and Assign Goals pages to maintain the Items per Page control when the Items per Page selection is greater than the total record count.
- Fixed some mobile compatibility issues on Goals and My Goals pages.
- Improved the usability of the View Details and Edit functions on the Goals page.
Messages: Made updates to the layout and pagination for the Messages page.
Organization: Fixed a situation in which the system did not allow removal of an organization's address when it was an identical match with a user's address.
- Corrected a situation in which clicking Save multiple times during Add Report caused the creation of multiple identical reports.
- Fixed issue in which clicking Save multiple times during Add Folder create duplicate folders of the same name.
Search Courses: Fixed an issue in which the Catalog filter was not showing for portals with Brands enabled on the LMS Information page.
User Search:
- Corrected issue in which using multi-select to choose more than one value for the Certification/Curriculum criterion returned no results, when a search for the individual values would.
- Fixed issue in results generation when more than one value is provided in user search multi-select value fields.