LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, November 11, 2018.
The following minor enhancements are included in this release.
Assessments: Updated Assessments to designate questions using a series of numbers instead of an alphabetical sequence.
- On the Add and Edit Certification pages, renamed the field Ordinal to Certification Level.
- Restored the link to Department Certification on the Employees tab and My People page.
Course Catalog: Removed the Status column from the results list on this page.
Instructors: Updated the Search Instructor page and renamed it Instructors. Added the +Instructor button in the upper right corner to add an instructor. Removed some site text, in addition to renaming the heading Search to Filter and the Search button to Apply Filter.
Reporting: Added Course Status (Active/Inactive) to Advanced Filter and Column selections for reports using entity Course or Course Summary.
User Search:
- Renamed the Certification/Curriculum criterion to Certification.
- Added Position Group and Position Start Date as criteria available in User Search, Audience, Announcements, and Batch Enroll features.
Resolved issues
Assessments: Updated the default Attempts and Time Allowed to display "Unlimited". Removed the validation on Terminal Objective field. Made the Time Allowed field display by default.
Branding: Corrected an issue in which Position Group branding was not being honored on the What's New page for group members.
Course Goals:
- Corrected the goal status update process to return goals Achieved by equivalency to Assigned status when the Equivalency rule is deleted.
- Corrected inaccuracies in display behavior for Due Date and Earliest Score Date.
Dates: Updated validation for several start and end date fields to allow same day entry for both. Records affected include Organizations, Positions, Topics, Resources, and Courses.
- Added Last Modified By and Last Modified Date audit information to the Goal confirmation page.
- Fixed issue in which Add/Edit Goal Rules pages could be saved in another language without first providing an English translation.
- Fixed Goal Schedule failure caused when a user has multiple profiles with one designated primary and the other designated default.
- Fixed Goal Schedule failure caused when the administrator who created the rule has no default profile.
Header Logo: Updated header logo sizing to make the display consistent between the classic and new UI pages, as well as the LMS Login Page.
Impersonation: When working under impersonation in new UI pages like Assign Goals, ensured that when impersonation is removed during record editing, the appropriate action is taken to fully remove impersonation. In this situation, the logged-in user returns to their home page without the need to respond to an extra Navigate Away prompt.
Logout: Removed the Navigate Away prompt that appeared when logging out while engaged in Edit mode on certain LMS New UI pages.
Messages: Updated the LMS link in the default message for Self Registration - Request Processed to point to the LMS Navigation page. Clients wishing to retain the original version of the link can use Site Management > Edit Messages to update the Self Registration - Request Processed message. Within that message, change the link target to in order to honor the portal's current landing page settings. For portals requiring approval for user self-registrations, the Self-Registration - Request Processed message should not include a link to the LMS, but instead a message indicating the request has been received and access is pending approval. When approval is required, the content with the link to the LMS should be moved to Self-Registration - Request Approved . Users attempting to access the LMS prior to approval will find their accounts are locked.
My People: Updated scripts to help improve load time for this page.
Profiles: When logging in with no default profile and landing page set to Navigation, we corrected an error occurring when users attempted to activate a profile on the Profile Selection page.
- Corrected an issue in Scheduled Reports in which the Standard Filters disappear from the Scheduled Report if Run or Save is selected prior to the standard filter list loading completely. The buttons are now inactive until the filters are loaded.
- Removed the time-specific element shown in Date columns related to Certification and Course Goals. Now only the Date portion is shown.
Training History: Updated the translation of the Training History icon on the Navigation page to match the translation on the page which it targets.