LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, January 6, 2019.
Certificates of Completion: Updated to ensure the certificate displayed is associated with the portal to which the transcript belongs, not where the user is currently logged in.
LMS Configuration: Updated the setting for Automate Interests from Goals to work with Course Goals as well as Certifications. For course goals to work, the Automate Interest from Goals setting must be enabled AND the course must be set to Allow Use of Interest Lists. Find this and other LMS Configuration options under Site Management > LMS Information.
Resolved Issues
Certifications: Ensured that users with the Administrator role have only the View and View Tree buttons available in Search Certifications results.
Goals - Add/Edit Goal Rule: Corrected error message for missing name in English to show "Name is required in English."
Interest List: Corrected situation in which courses were not being dropped from the interest list once the user enrolled in the course.
Self-Study Self-Certified Completion: Fixed error in which passwords containing "#" were not being accepted as valid by the self-certification process when attempted from the Courses to Complete page.
Translations: Provided missing German translations for several My Team views and for Search Users.
User Search - View Home Page: Corrected to remove "soft impersonation" of the selected user after navigating to an angular page, such as Goals, Goal Rules, or Edit Navigation Page from the left navigation menu.