LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, February 3, 2019.
Curriculum: Corrected issue in which a newly added Skill Profile, when pulled into a new Curriculum, was not displaying any Skill Areas in the dropdown list.
My Team:
- Updated the Goal Progress column to sort from Most > Least Percent Complete, rather than Most > Least Number of Goals.
- Corrected the Organization filter type-ahead to show all a manager's organizations for selection, not just that associated with the currently active profile's organization. This was also fixed on the Goals page.
Position Hierarchy Gap Identification: When a portal administrator or manager is unable to find or view some employees in the LMS, it is usually because their position's relationship is not tied to the appropriate subordinate positions in the Position Hierarchy. Any gap in the hierarchy can cause the users below it to become invisible to the managers above. To improve the ability to resolve these gaps, we added a new report under the Classic Reports > Users folder called Orphaned Users by Company. This report will help Portal Administrators in two ways: 1) by listing users who may not be visible to them or other managers due to gaps in the Position Hierarchy and 2) by identifying Positions which have no superior relationship. Once these gaps are identified, they can be repaired to restore user visibility to the appropriate managers. Filter the report by selecting Active/All Users and/or by choosing to display just orphaned Primary Positions. Although some filter combinations may display orphaned users based on secondary profiles or inactive positions, it is important that Portal Administrators are able to see and correct the positions to ensure their visibility of all LMS users, even those who are no longer active. Only users assigned the portal administrator role should have the top system position with no superior.