LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, April 28, 2019.
We are pleased to introduce the following enhancements to the LatitudeLearning LMS. You can learn more about both enhancements HERE.
Direct Reporting Scoping Changes - My Team and Assign Goals: This is the first of a two-phase enhancement to user scoping logic for portals using Person-to-Person (P2P) Management reporting. The goal is to make the visibility of users honor the Manager relationships between all users regardless of their organization assignments, making it easier for managers to view employees without the need to toggle between profiles. In this phase, we addressed scoping on the Announcements, My Team (People, Goals, Pending Approvals) and Goal Assignment pages. Important points to understand about the new logic now active for these pages when P2P is enabled:
- A user's highest role assignment at each assigned organization controls scoping logic.
- Administrative users with the roles Portal Administrator, Administrator, Instructor, or Location Administrator will be able to search, manage, and train all users within their organizational tree, regardless of their position code.
- Managers with the roles Location Manager or Student will not be scoped by organization and will display all users who fall under their managerial tree.
- Users with both administrative profiles and direct reports will see a unified employee list across their assigned organizations, in addition to their direct reports located anywhere.
- User filter criterion "Position" will ignore the position code hierarchy and return all active positions in the type-ahead.
Phase 2 will roll the new logic into the Reporting Engine in Summer 2019. All "Classic" LMS pages are out of the project scope.
New Approvals Page: We developed a new Pending Approvals page on the Angular platform to replace old .aspx pages for Pending Enrollments, Pending Interests, and Pending Registrations. This new page will provide list of pending requests based on a user’s Organizational and Reporting Hierarchy oversight across all their active profiles. It will provide a mechanism for filtering, approving, or denying user requests. No changes were made to the current “Approvals” tab on the Classic Home page as part of this project.
Resolved Issues
Approvals: Implemented a page refresh to the Pending Approvals page after approving a tuition-based course.
My Goals: Removed the redundant Username column.
My Team:
- Corrected Courses Summary Graph to filter out expired enrollments.
- Updated to allow a manager the ability to view details of his/her employees at any location regardless of the manager's current active profile.
- Fixed issue in which a user pending registration approval was showing in a manager's People page list.
- Removed users with end-dated position connections to a manager from the manager's People page.
- Fixed Status column sort option on the People page.
Reporting: Made a minor enhancement to Certification Summary reports by changing the Results view column name from Goal Count to Certification Count .
Training History: Updated the new Training History page to include Course Name links to the Course Details page, to replicate behavior already available in the legacy History page.
User Import: Updated the process to ensure it honors location-level active user limits.
User Search: Fixed issue in which the Course criterion was not populating type ahead values.