LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, June 9, 2019.
We are pleased to introduce the following enhancements. For more details about them, click HERE.
Direct Reporting Scoping Changes - Reporting: This is the second phase of a two-phase enhancement to user scoping logic for portals using Person-to-Person (P2P) Management reporting. The goal is to make the visibility of users honor the Manager relationships between all users regardless of their organization assignments, making it easier for managers to view -- and now report on -- employees without the need to toggle between profiles. In Phase 1, we addressed scoping on the Announcements, My Team, and Goal Assignment pages. In Phase 2, the scoping is now extended to the Reporting engine. These important points outline the logic now active for all relevant pages and reports when P2P is enabled:
- A user's highest role assignment at each assigned organization controls scoping logic.
- Administrative users with the roles Portal Administrator, Administrator, Instructor, or Location Administrator will be able to search, manage, and train all users within their organizational tree, regardless of their position code.
- Managers with the roles Location Manager or Student will not be scoped by organization and will display all users who fall under their managerial tree.
- Users with both administrative profiles and direct reports will see a unified employee list across their assigned organizations, in addition to their direct reports located anywhere.
Note: "Classic" LMS Reports were not included in this project. To benefit from this enhancement, you must develop reports using the Report Writer or use reports shared with you by your portal administrator.
My Team - Default Filter: We updated the default filter on this page based on the management reporting hierarchy being used by the portal.
- For position-hierarchy based portals, the default filter is Organization > In Exact Organization > [User's Logged-in Location].
- For person-to-person (P2P) based portals, the default filter is User > Directly Reports to > [Logged-in User].
Resolved Issues
Announcements: Updated the search pattern displayed to represent new enforced filters for User Account = Active and User Profiles = Active. The new pattern is (1 AND 2) AND ((((3 AND 4) AND 5) AND 6)), with the same nesting pattern repeated as additional filters are added.
- Added Username to Course Enrollment requests to align with similar displays for Interest and Registration/User Lockout requests.
- For Classroom course enrollment requests, added "Seats Used/Max Enrollment" to the display.
- When multiple pages of approval requests exist, corrected behavior of the post-approval page refresh to remain on the correct page, not revert to page one.
Assessments: Corrected issue which the stated number of questions to be asked in a randomized manner was not pulling from the entire question pool.
Batch Enrollment: Re-established required filters User Account = Active, User Profile = Active, and User Profile = Primary.
Course Groups: Fixed an issue in which credit was being granted for components completed prior to enrollment in the group. By design, course groups only consider credit earned after group enrollment.
My Team:
- Corrected situation in which My Team data did not load properly for users with a Student or Location Manager role but no subordinates at their logged in location.
- For portals using Person-to-Person management reporting, corrected situation in which Students with subordinates could not display the User Group for their employees while in Edit Profile.
- For Person-to-Person portals, fixed an issue in which a manager could not see report results for subordinates associated with organization levels above that of the manager.
- Corrected issues in results generated when using the standard filter User Group "Was".
- Corrected standard filter for Position "Was" logic to return correct results for portals using person-to-person management reporting.
- Fixed issue in which Students with no subordinates were unable to get report results of their own transcript and goal history.
- Corrected the standard filter for Program to ensure type-ahead values display for users with the roles portal administrator, Administrator, Instructor, Location Administrator, and Location Manager.