LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, June 23, 2019.
Approvals: Updated to allow supervisors to see interests pending approval for subordinate users whose relationship to their superior is at a non-location profile (i.e. division, business unit, company)
Course Groups: Updated site text for the Component Course picker to indicate that "Only Courses that are shared in the same Catalog(s) as the Course Group will be available to be selected as Component Courses."
Courses to Complete - Course Group display: Ensured the Play icon is displayed for all self-paced courses (self-study, eLearning, assessments) regardless of whether the user is enrolled or not.
- Corrected "Invalid Date" issue identified when saving a report schedule with a custom date filter that only had one date value entered.
- Fixed issue preventing deletion of scheduled reports.
- Corrected errors caused when running a Report Schedule - Daily Schedule using a custom due date
- Updated text wrapping on Report Folder and Report descriptions to prevent overlap with action buttons and the compression of Reporting folders listed on the left side of the Reports page.