LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, July 21, 2019.
User by Location Report: We developed a new report under Classic Reports > User Reports that produces a list of users by a selected location. The report, available to Portal Administrators, allows filtering by user account status and location with the standard output options. Results include the user full name, primary position, all assigned roles (one line of results per), user ID, and the Location associated with the user's Primary Profile.
Impersonation: For customers working with multiple portals, fixed situation in which removing impersonation would not work after switching the impersonated user's profile to a location in another portal.
Positions: Corrected issue in which activating an inactive position was not activating position relationships.
User Search: Corrected issues causing an additional row of filters to be randomly added to the filter list. Also fixed the inability to remove all filters after the initial search.