LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, August 18, 2019.
Training History: Added results export options to the Navigation > Training History page. Download the search results shown on the page in .xlsx, .csv, or .pdf formats using one of the corresponding icons now displayed above the results list. Managers using the My Team tool to view user training history can also export user transcripts. Export files will not include LMS site text translations, but custom record translations will export if provided. This feature is not available on the Classic Home page History tab.
Course Enrollment:
- Fixed an issue that was preventing users from self-enrolling in courses at their secondary location profiles.
- For Enroll Others - Quick Enroll, we updated the User Picker to correct an issue in which users with inactive profiles were displayed in results for selection in portals using person-to-person management reporting.
User Groups: Added a confirmation message that will appear after the successful addition of a new user group.
User Profiles: Corrected an issue, affecting only portals using Person-to-Person reporting, in which trying to add a new profile was failing due to the system's attempt to validate the direct manager against the existing profile.