LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, September 15, 2019.
Assessments: Updated the Assessment navigation buttons so that only the Next and Previous buttons appear, as appropriate, until the assessment reaches the last question and no further forward navigation is possible. The Score Test button has been replaced by the Submit button, which will only appear after the user reaches the final question of the assessment/survey.
Messages: Added a new notification Course Offering - No Show Notification that triggers when a student enrolled in an offering is marked as "no show" during roster processing. The message is active by default and is directed to the enrolled user. It can be directed to managers using standard messaging options configured under CC Recipient's Manager having these Roles.
Reporting: Added an option to the Report Writer column selection that captures eLearning Session Time. This pulls the SCORM cmi.core.session_time entity from the user's current transcript for a course. This data is transient and can change if the user re-launches the content to continue or if they enroll in the course again and start with a new transcript.
Roster Processing: Added "Cancel" to the list of available user attendance Status options on the Process Roster page and also alphabetized the list.
resolved issues
Goal Rules: Corrected an issue in which some existing saved information was not retained after editing the Training Goal area.
Team Certifications: Updated to display only active certifications.
Training History: For Spanish translations - corrected "Transcript type" translation shown in history details and corrected missing Type column label in history exports.
User Search: Corrected multi-select search function to properly pull matches for criteria First Name, Last Name, Username, and Email when more than one search value is provided.