LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, September 29, 2019.
User Image: An image can now be associated with a user account. Users can upload their own image from their Account page or My Details tab. Portal administrators can load user images via the Search User > Edit User Account > General Info tab. Images must be under 10 MB and for best image quality, use image files with dimensions approximately 100 x 100 pixels, though any image selected will display proportionally centered on administrative views of User Details as well as on the user's Account page. If no image is provided, a standard user thumbnail image is retained as a placeholder. This enhancement establishes user image metadata that can be used in future image-based enhancements elsewhere in the LMS.
User Transcript Import Tool: We added a Transcript Import option under the Administration > User menu for the Portal Administrator role. It includes a .csv data import template. When run, it validates entries and adds viable transcript records into the User Training History, up to 10,000 records per upload. The transcript-related courses must exist in the LMS prior to import, but they do not need to be active courses. Access the template and further instructions by clicking the Help (?) icon in the LMS Header while on the Transcript Import page. Learn more about this feature and other transcript management options HERE.
Approvals: fixed an issue in which a recently approved/denied pending enrollment remained on the page and allowed approval again because the page did not refresh and remove the entry after the initial approval.
Department Curriculum: Corrected issue in which goal data was not being populated in the Curriculum View.
Goals: Corrected an issue preventing the assignment of an ad hoc goal and in some instances, the ability to edit an existing goal rule.
Training History: Corrected the label of the Training History icon on the Navigation page, which was reverted incorrectly to Completed Training during a recent post.
User Search/Training History:
- To align the results of User Search criterion "Course > Valid Transcript, Never Passed" yielding results for Pending transcripts (pending approval/prerequisites), we added Pending transcripts to the Training History page results.
- Corrected the logic behind User Search criterion "Course > Valid Transcript, Never Passed" to include matching transcripts with expiration dates in the future.