LatitudeCG announces a new release of the LatitudeLearning LMS. Version was promoted to production on Sunday, October 13, 2019.
Reporting: Updated reporting options to better support reporting on classroom offerings.
- Advanced Filters for Course and Course Summary Report Entities: Meeting Start, Meeting End, Offering Start, Offering End
- Columns for Course Report Entity: Meeting Start, Meeting End, Offering Start, Offering End, Offering Location, Offering Room
- Columns for Course Summary Report Entity: Offering Location, Offering Room
User Search Filtering: Added new filtering capabilities to User Search to support identifying users based on performance metrics and scores. They are available on User Search and pages that incorporate it, including Announcements, Batch Enroll, Audience, My Team > People, My Team > Goals, Add/Edit Goal Rules, and Assign Goals.
- Added Course Score filter to allow identification of users with course scores that match the selected score and comparison value (e.g. less than or equal to).
- Made available Performance Metric-related filters for portals who use Performance Data feeds to support their Certification processes. An example of this usage would be to grant certifications to users with Sales Close rates > 85% and establish a Sales Close Rate filter to find users who have not met that threshold. Certification Performance-based evaluation types and performance-based user search filters are not enabled by default and must be coordinated with Latitude ClientCare. For more information about implementing Performance Data feeds to support Certifications and establish related filters, contact Latitude ClientCare.
Resolved Issues
Goals: Updated the Goals online help page to redirect to the proper URL.
Reporting: Corrected issue launching reports in Excel.
User Image:
- Updated Add User form to place the User Image upload feature after the Organization and Position selection fields.
- Corrected an issue in which the user image function was causing errors for managers with custom role-provided Add User capabilities. By default only portal administrator and student roles will be able to maintain user images. Portals with customized user maintenance abilities for other roles who wish to provide user image maintenance to those roles must contact Latitude ClientCare to have the option turned on for their portals.