Recently Brandon Hall named LatitudeLearning as a Certified Smartchoice® Preferred Provider. Below is an excerpt of the Provider Profile analysis by Brandon Hall Group.
LatitudeLearning as the Answer
For many LMS providers, the approach to the extended enterprise is typically as an addon functionality — almost an afterthought. LatitudeLearning was built with the extended enterprise in mind. This approach has allowed LatitudeLearning to create learning environments with a better grasp of the complexities the extended enterprise presents. From a functionality standpoint, LatitudeLearning has the tools required to manage users, enrollments and content you would expect. But it also provides a flexibility in the user experience that the extended enterprise requires. The learning environment can be configured and branded for specific organizations, groups, roles and more. This is critical in the extended enterprise so learners can get a standardized learning within a unique learning space that is relevant to them. The audience-specific workflows are a key feature for LatitudeLearning. Managing learners across the extended enterprise can be tricky; but by creating audiences of leaners that meet specific criteria, administrators can make changes and updates on that criteria, so only those learners are affected. This saves massive amounts of time from having to do enrollments or changes for these groups one at a time. The key thing to recognize is that because LatitudeLearning can manage the extended enterprise so well, it can easily handle internal training as well. Many companies have had to deploy separate platforms to manage their internal and external training. But LatitudeLearning manages them simultaneously, creating the different experiences required for each group. This LMS is purpose-built to make managing complex organizational learning structures simple. For organizations that have needs around compliance/mandatory training, extended enterprise training, or even complex/dispersed organizational training, LatitudeLearning can help manage all of it from one place.
To read the full analysis, click here.