FeaturedCustomers has listed LatitudeLearning as Summer 2019 Customer Success Report Rising Star Corporate LMS Software. Latitude is proud to continually gets recognized for a variety of categories; this listings is no different.
The FeaturedCustomers Customer Success ranking is based on data from customer reference platform, market presence, web presence, & social presence as well as additional data aggregated from online sources and media properties. Ranking engine applies an algorithm to all data collected to calculate the final Customer Success Report rankings.
Latitude is happy to offer Forever Free LMS, the same feature-rich LMS used by Fortune 500 companies is offered for free, to organizations with under 100 LMS users.
Click below for the full report. Jump to page 27 of the report to see Latitude highlighted.
About Latitude CG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the platform LMS and base to LatitudeConnect the software that drives channel performance. Over 3 million people across 10,000 organizations have used LatitudeLearning to manage training.
Train More People with Less Effort: LatitudeLearning, an industry leader that drives performance through training, communication, measurement, incentives and consumer engagement, is a technology first company striving to ensure that customers get the full benefit of the underlying systems and solutions that they are investing in. With the continuous change in platform capabilities and emerging trends such as mobile it is important that organizations have a solid foundation to operate from.