FeaturedCustomers has listed LatitudeLearning as Summer 2020 Customer Success Report Rising Star Corporate LMS Software. Latitude is proud to earn this recognition for the second year in a row.
The FeaturedCustomers Customer Success ranking is based on data from customer reference platform, market presence, web presence and social presence as well as additional data aggregated from online sources and media properties. Ranking engine applies an algorithm to all data collected to calculate the final Customer Success Report rankings.
Latitude continues to offer Forever Free LMS to up to 100 users and Free LMS for Charity™ program which gives a FREE 1,000 User Learning Center to established charities and other non-profit organizations that provide free training and education to their communities. This will give you the same learning platform used by Fortune 500 customers.
Click below for the full report. Jump to page 50 of the report to see Latitude highlighted.
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About Latitude CG
Latitude CG, home of LatitudeLearning, the partner learning platform is designed for the unique needs of partner training programs to train the people that Sell, Service and Use your products. Geographically dispersed partner networks have a level of organizational complexity that cannot be supported by an HR LMS. LatitudeLearning was designed to support the complexity of partner training and give the visibility partner organizations need to training compliance and potential vulnerabilities when gaps exist. Partner organization need a learning management system that supports the complex needs of managing partners. Latitude has been providing solutions designed to manage training programs for companies globally for more than 30 years. More than 3 million people have successfully used LatitudeLearning.