The Latitude Learning Team announces the latest release of the Latitude Learning LMS. This release (version was promoted to production on Sunday, March 18th, and focuses on the following areas...
Updates to course management, including:
- Adding new administrative tools to manage (Add and Search) Training Providers that can be selected during course add/edit in the LMS - Training providers typically represent third-party companies that employ instructors providing training in your LMS. With this set of updates, authorized administrators can now manage this information directly through the user interface.
- Removing references to 'Rooms' when managing virtual classrooms in the LMS – The LMS utilizes Facilities for both (traditional) Classroom and Virtual Classroom offerings, however online facilities do not have Rooms. The UI has been cleaned up to further remove rooms and equipment from online facility setup to remove confusion.
- Adding Business Unit selection for course sharing to the redesigned Course Add/Edit pages. Now portal administrators can see and access the ability to assign additional business unit-level organizations (i.e. catalogs).
- Updating Featured Courses links to display course in a pop-up while viewing employees home page. Now, while viewing an employee's homepage, the featured courses section opens course information in a popup to make it work the same as the other homepage sections while in this mode. While viewing your own homepage, it works the same as before.
- Updating Enroll Others scoping to ensure that Latitude's Setup Administrator accounts were not being included in user search during batch enrollment (causing error when attempting to enroll 'All')
- Updates to enrollment approvals and messaging, ensuring that only immediate superior position is notified of subordinate enrollments that are pending approval. Previously, a Department Manager model where one manager approved training for a range of subordinate employees was in place. With this update, immediate supervisors (i.e. superior position assignments) will now receive automated email and on-page messages for relevant course enrollments that are pending approval.
- Updating pending enrollment approvals area to resolve issue where course name was being hidden unexpectedly while approving the enrollment.
Updates for multi-language support, including:
- Multi-language support of course title and description – For those LMS portals with foreign language support enabled, this update impacts the drop down controls allowing administrators to manage course titles and descriptions by language for the set of languages that are being supported.
- Updating Course Summary information to display USD for U.S. Dollars, allowing for display of supported currencies depending upon the foreign languages that are being supported in the LMS.
Updates to certification management, including:
- Ensure the default for certification-related searches include only Active records. Additionally, this updated targeted certification pages to use radio button list control for status and populate correct status info in search results.
- Updating administrative Certification Tree view to ensure proper formatting across browsers - The certification tree view for administrators has been fixed to indent properly, and is now working on Chrome, FireFox, and Safari. In addition, the certification tree view styling can now be overridden in your portal stylesheet (see the base.css items marked "Cert Tree styling" for the default styling).
Updates to User and Instructor management, including:
- Enhancing existing Add Instructor functionality, so that adding a new instructor will automatically assign the Role of Instructor in the system as well (previously a 2-step process).
- Configuring User Search page so that the Position drop down values appear in alpha order
Updates to Position management, including:
- Resolving an issue where administrators could not remove all superior or subordinate position assignments and was retaining at least one assignment. Inactivating a position was not inactivating subordinate and superior position relationships, hence position was showing as active in many places like user search, my employee position listings.
- Also working to address another issue where inactivation of a position was not fully inactiving superior/subordinate position assignments as expected.
Updates to Assessment functionality to address a reported issue where the Next and Back buttons were not appearing as expected while viewing test results. With this update in place, paging has been reinstated.
Adjusting SCORM course shell to ensure that scroll bars are not appearing when accessing online content using Chrome browser.
Thank you again for ongoing interest in Latitude Learning LMS and for your input regarding capabilities for new and existing users. For additional information, please contact the Latitude Learning Support Team at