The Latitude Learning Team announces the latest release of the Latitude Learning LMS. This release (version was promoted to production on Friday, July 20 and included the following updates and enhancements...
As noted in our blog post on Sunday, July 15, several enhancements that were previously available on a “limited release” are now available to all customers. See “Latitude Learning LMS Enhancements - General Availability Update”
New Goals Tab – the Latitude Learning LMS now provides a Goals Tab on the home page which displays a summary of goals that have been assigned to the student along with an indication as to whether or not the student has met the goal. Additionally, the student can view specifics about each curriculum or certification goal that has been set for him / her by clicking on the View Details. This Goals Tab functionality is available to customers who have purchased the Certification/Curriculum Management add-on. Customers please contact to request this feature to be turned on in your LMS portal.
Courses - Extended 'Link to Classroom' Action Button Availability 'Enhancement – As noted during our last release, functionality was enhanced providing a new ‘Link to Classroom' (webinar) option promoted for limited release. This is used to help administrators configure course offerings with links to external webinar products. Once configured, instructors and students can link to webinars/webinar sites via a “Link to Classroom” button provide on the Offering details page. Previously, this button would become hidden once the offering roster was processed and the offering was closed. However with this release, functionality has been updated to extend availability/visibility of the 'Link to Classroom' action button for users viewing offering details for a closed offering. This allows administrators to publish an updated URL that can provide link-out access to post-session materials and/or playback of a recorded event. The ‘Link to Classroom’ enhancement is now activated in all LMS portals.
Courses - Days Due and Reminder Days Enhancements - This set of updates enhances automated course management and messaging functionality by providing portal administrators with two new definable fields when adding or editing courses in the LMS:
- Days for Student to Complete (Due Date) Field - The first allows the administrator to define a number of 'Days for Student to Complete (Due Date)' for a given course. Here the authorized portal administrator can leave blank, or choose to enter a numeric value that the LMS will use to help determine a 'due date' once a user has enrolled in a given course (any delivery type). Each night the LMS will evaluate active user transcripts and in the event the user has reached the due date, the LMS will automatically notify the enrolled student, as well as his/her immediate supervisor(s) based on superior position assignment and portal administrator(s) affiliated with that LMS. Although the LMS generates messaging based on the days due, it leaves the user enrollment otherwise intact.
- Days Before Due Date to Remind Student Field - This second field works in conjunction with the days due field mentioned above, allowing portal administrators to define a set of reminder days. This functionality works very much like the Offering reminder days, allowing the administrator to enter a single numeric value, or a set of comma-separated numeric values that will be used by the LMS to auto-generate reminders to the enrolled student that his/her due date is approaching. Currently, these messages only target the enrolled student-user; messaging to supervisor and administrator is only escalated on the due date mentioned earlier.
The ‘Courses - Days Due and Reminder Days Enhancements’ enhancement is now activated in all LMS portals.
Reports - New Training Status Reports:
- Evidence of Competency Reports: These two new reports (Course and Certification/Curriculum versions) allow administrators to select a target course (or Certification/Curriculum) and display all active users at a location along with current status information. This includes users who have not yet enrolled in a given course (or certification/curriculum), which can be extremely useful in compliance-related tracking and reporting activities. Outputs include Location, Student Name and UserID, as well as Status and last Status Date recorded. In addition, this report can be run at the Division level to provide a location-by-location breakout of results.
- Training Program Status Reports: These two new reports (Course and Curriculum/Certification versions) provide authorized administrators with summary information tied to the set of target locations. Outputs include Location, Number of Active Students, Number of Active Students Who Have Completed, and % of Active Students Who Have Completed (the given course or certification/curriculum track).
Courses - Offering Reminders - Issue entering reminder days during offering add - This update addresses an issue reported by portal administrators when setting up new Offerings or attempting to add Reminder Days to an existing Offering. The error ‘ScheduleId is not specified, it is needed for Update or Delete’ in error was display in error.
Course Enrollment Verification Emails Display [Facility] - This update addresses an issue reported by Portal Administrators where Course Enrollment Verification messages display ‘[Facility]’ in emails and Mail Center messages when no facility was configured for the specified course.
Getting an error when using auto password generate - This update addresses an issue reported by portal administrators where the administrator, using the Add User with generate password selected and the system displayed a error stating that the password is not strong enough message.
Enroll Others function enrolling students listed but not selected or that have enrollment conflicts - This update addresses an issue reported by a portal administrator where the Enroll Others feature enrolled students that were not selected by the administrator and /or had enrollment conflicts were displayed.
Add and Register User input forms accepting user id with spaces - With this update, Add User and Registration forms will no longer allow users to be setup with user id’s that contain spaces.
Thank you again for your valuable feedback and input into ongoing enhancements to the LMS. For additional information regarding these and other capabilities, please contact the Latitude Learning Support Team at .