The Latitude Learning Team announces the latest release of the Latitude Learning LMS. This release (version was promoted to production on Sunday, February 17, 2013 and included the following updates...
Course Approval Enhancements - The Latitude Learning Team promoted enhancements to the existing Course administration toolset to further aid in the management of course enrollment approvals. Generally speaking, the goal of this effort was to separate and provide discrete controls to manage both course delivery method and pre-approval assignment in the LMS. This was accomplished through a targeted set of enhancements, which includes an updated set of ‘Delivery Method’ options, as well as all new ‘Approval Required’ selection options, allowing administrators to easily define whether a course is pre-approved or requires supervisory approval prior to confirming enrollment. These updates are meant to enhance the flexibility and assignment of course approvals, including the expansion of on-demand enrollment options across all delivery methods. Please click HERE for additional information on this set of enhancements.
Stylesheet Editor Enhancement – Latitude is pleased to announce availability of an enhancement to the Edit Stylesheets toolset under Site Management. This enhanced feature now provides several pre-defined stylesheet templates. The templates provide options for both the site colors and also for fixed or full width display sizing. Customers can easily select from a list of templates and replace the default template that was applied during the initial portal setup process. Additional templates will be made available in the future.
Images Editor Enhancement - Latitude is please to announce availability of an enhancement to the Edit Images feature. At the request of our Portal Administrator community, tools were added to allow the authorized administrator to delete images that are obsolete or no longer needed directly from the Edit Images collection.
User Self-Registration Enhancement - Latitude is please to announce an enhancement for our customers that are using the LMS User Self-Registration add-on. With this enhancement, new users will immediately be granted access to the LMS portal upon completion of the registration entry form when the portal is configured to for automated registration approval. Previous to this update, Portal Administrators were required to grant access to new users under this scenario.
Available Subscription Courses Enhancement – As part of the enhancement to provide more flexible options tied to delivery method and enrollment approvals, Latitude also extended the ‘Available Subscription Courses’ section functionality so that, when assigned, courses of all delivery types can be displayed as part of the subscription. Users will have the option to Enroll and/or Launch into the related content by clicking on the “View Details” link next to a listed subscription course. Note that the subscription based approval feature is an LMS Add-on feature.
Course Add – Add New Subscription Program Workflow – As part of the enhancement to provide more flexible Delivery Method / Approvals functionality Latitude also improved the workflow that integrates the Course Add and Add Subscription processes. Note that the subscription based approval feature is an LMS Add-on feature.
Enroll Others Issue – This update addresses a reported issue where a portal administrator or any user scoped across multiple Business Units was able to enroll students via the Enroll Others feature into courses that were not in the Business Unit associated with the student. This is no longer permitted with this update.
User Group Search Enhancement - This update addresses an issue reported by the Portal Administrator community where the User Group Search feature was not displaying inactive user groups and their associated employees as expected.
Thank you again for your valuable feedback and input into ongoing enhancements to the LMS. For additional information regarding these and other capabilities, please contact the Latitude Learning Support Team at .