Replacing our classic Employee page, the My Team dashboard provides new ways to view your people, manage their training goals, and track team progress. The full tool set will be released in three phases, as we leverage the new LMS platform to develop new functionality for managers and mid-level administrators.
Get started from the Navigation menu by clicking the My Team icon. While the My Team list defaults to people who report to you at your Default Location, filters allow you to view employees across all active profiles. It includes training summary graphs, user filters, and a results list with profile detail and action buttons. Horizontal tabs allow you to navigate between team management tools.
Training Summary Graphs
Two charts summarize your employee training goals, listing both Courses to Complete and assigned Goals by due date. Number totals display inside of each graph, while hover text provides percentage details.
- Courses – Chart displays total number of Courses To Complete by category: Required, Enrollments, Interests
- Assigned – Chart shows number of assigned Goals by due date: No Due Date, More than 30 Days, Less than 30 Days, Past Due
- Goal Progress – Bar chart displays percent each user has completed of their assigned training goals
View student details including Location, Position, and Goal Progress.
- Filter – Click the Filter icon to apply criteria and refine the list of people in view. Sort the list by clicking column headers.
- Status – People with assignments past due are flagged with a red indicator on their User icon.
- Action – Enter User Drill Down mode to see the end user experience. Or click the Training History button for a shortcut to user's course and certification transcripts.