Office 2010, plus Oracle and other Technical Course Updates from Partner SkillSoft
The following new SkillSoft course updates are now available:
Microsoft Office
Getting Started with Word 2010
Formatting and Working with Text in Word 2010
Organizing and Arranging Text in Word 2010
Moving Around in Word 2010
Saving, Sharing and Printing in Word 2010
SharePoint 2010 New Features for End Users
Getting Started with SharePoint 2010
Using SharePoint 2010 with Office 2010
Oracle Database
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Oracle Partitioning and Security Features
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Backup, Recover, Archive and Repair Data
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Oracle Scheduler and Secure Backup
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Installation and Oracle Restart
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: ASM, Storage and Partitioning Enhancements
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: Diagnosability Enhancements
Oracle Database 11g Release 2: SQL Monitoring and Performance Enhancements
Virtual Server Management
VMware Workstation 7: Getting Started with Virtual Machines
General Data Storage
Storage Security
Storage Virtualization
Storage Technologies Update
Software Development
Agile Programming and Testing
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0: Web Form Controls with VB 2010
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0: Web Applications with Virtual Studio 2010 and Visual Basic 010
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0: Configuring and Deploying Web Applications with VB 2010
Information Security
Information Security Governance: Strategies and Goals
Information Security Governance: Developing an Action Plan
These and hundreds of other titles are available through LatitudeLearning's partner SkillSoft.