At we greatly value the feedback of our customers and partners...And we work to address issues and enhancement requests as part of our ongoing relationship. Recently, the LatitudeLearning Support Team incorporated the following updates to address targeted issues and improve overall capability of the Learning Management System. Here are highlights from those recent updates:
Assessment Engine Updates
- Fill-in-the-blank question type was updated to address an open issue where the data was not being captured successfully when completing assessments using Internet Explorer.
- Multi-answer question type was updated to address an open issue where answer selections were not being captured successfully when completing assessments using Internet Explorer.
- Assessment status information was updated to address an open issue where completion status for failed attempts were being recorded as Attend on a user's course transcript (History Tab), which could also trigger availability of a related course completion certificate.
- Timed Tests functionality was enabled, so that administrators can define a system-tracked allocation of time for the student to complete a given assessment. When this has been defined, a countdown clock will be visible to the student-user during the test. When it reaches zero, the test will be scored automatically based on the user's submissions to that point in time.
- Image Upload functionality was updated to address an open file upload issue that was preventing deployment and assignment of images for various question types during assessment creation.
Course Enrollment Update
- Enroll Others functionality was updated to address a scenario where administrators could not enroll others in a zero-cost course when only one e-commerce (Direct Bill or Credit Card payment) option was enabled for that LMS portal.
Advanced Self-Registration Update
- Maximum Users Per Location functionality was updated to address an issue where active and inactive user accounts were not both being factored into maximum user totals as expected. This resulted in additional users being allowed to self-register on the site, beyond the number desired.
LMS Portal Configuration Update
- Latitude has updated its configuration and feature management tools so that the set of Course Delivery Methods (types) can now be defined for each client LMS portal. This helps to remove any unneeded delivery types so they do not confuse users by introducing training modalities that are not part of the overall training program.
Thank you again for your ongoing interest and input to improve the capabilities of LatitudeLearning LMS…Please stay tuned for additional news and updates as the team continues to incorporate your feedback over the days ahead.
For additional information on these and other LatitudeLearning capabilities and solutions, feel free to visit our website at, or contact our team directly at