Latitude CG conducted an online training survey to get a bird's-eye view into training programs. We had 179 participants from a variety of industries, all with knowledge about their organization's training program's objective.
In this series we will break-down each question asked to participants and our findings. Based on the survey results as a whole, future plans consist of getting more out of their training program on a reduced budget, as well as get more people trained with less effort. The goal is to prepare workers to be able to achieve their performance potential and grow the business.
Question #3: What best describes your training program?
What it means?
This question shows what (if any) compliance training may be involved in organization’s training program. The highest level of compliance training would be to require certifications, which 40 of 179 (22%) participants indicated they do.
We are seeing a major shift in corporate America’s outlook on training. Executives know a better trained worker equals better performance and a substantially higher ROI. This is no secret; they've known this. The results of our online survey conducted throughout the 2018 calendar year reveal the relevance organizations are putting on their training programs.