Latitude Learning has made it easy for LMS administrators to set course completion deadlines, as well as automated due date reminders for enrolled students. This information is usually established as part of initial the course setup process, but can be edited anytime from the Course Details page.
Setting a course deadline does not create a universal “due date” in the traditional sense, but instead sets a strict timeline for the number of days in which an individual user is granted access to the course, counting from their Enrollment Date forward. If a user does not complete the course within the outlined time frame, he or she will be blocked from viewing the course details and all associated content.
Set a Course Completion Deadline
If you are adding a new course to the LMS, refer to the following linked document for detailed instructions on setting due dates and more: Add a New Course to the LMS.
If you want to set a completion deadline for an existing course, locate the course you wish to edit, open the Course Details page, and follow the steps outlined below:
- Select the General tab, then expand the Additional Information section.
- In the Days for Student to Complete (Due Date) field, enter the number of days a student is allowed to complete this course after first enrolled. Note: This field is not available for the “Classroom” or “Virtual Classroom” delivery methods.
- Click Save Course.
Set Automated Reminders to Alert Enrolled Students of Upcoming Due Dates
Once you have set a course deadline, you can choose to send automated reminders to all enrolled students of their individual due dates as the deadline approaches.
- From the Course Details page, select the General tab, then expand the Additional Information section.
- In the Days Before Due Date to Remind Student field, set the number of days before the due date that the system will send an email reminder to enrolled students. If multiple reminders are desired, enter them separated by commas. For example, entering “20,10,5” would result in a reminder being sent 20 days, 10 days and 5 days before the due date. Note: This field is also not available for the “Classroom” or “Virtual Classroom” delivery methods. Reminders for Classroom courses are set at the Offering level.
- Click Save Course.
Administrators should know that as soon as these settings are applied to a course, the completion deadline and reminders are in effect for all actively enrolled users. Please see an example of course due date and reminder schedule setup below.
Send Reminders or Announcements for Upcoming Classroom Offerings
Just as administrators can set due date reminders at the course level, they can also set up automated Reminder Messages to alert enrolled students of their upcoming Classroom or Virtual Classroom Offerings.
On the Offering Details page, select the Messages tab, and indicate how many days prior to the offering you would like to send a Reminder Message to students. The Additional Note section is optional, and will pull into the default email message. Ad hoc class Announcements can also be sent to enrolled students from this page.
An example of these settings is shown below.