If you have difficulty getting courses to open or load when you click Launch, it may be an issue of browser compatibility and/or Java configuration. Some courses work better in Internet Explorer than in Firefox, Chrome or Safari. If you are experiencing issues in one browser, try launching the course in another browser. Since courses appear in new windows, it is also important to ensure that pop-ups are not blocked for the Latitude website and URLs.
If a course does not look right or behave as you would expect when using Internet Explorer 9, 10 or 11 on your Windows 7 or 8 workstation, you may need to turn on Compatibility Mode.
NOTE: The browser and Java changes outlined below may require you to have administrator rights to make changes on your workstation. If you do not have these rights, you may need to contact your IT Support staff to help you complete the steps.
Turning on Compatibility View in Internet Explorer
1. Open the desktop, and then click the Internet Explorer icon.
2. Click the Tools button, and then click Compatibility View settings.

3. In the “Add this website” field of the Compatibility View Settings dialog box, enter http://latitudelearning.com, and then click Add.

4. The Latitude learning URL will appear in the “Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View” box. Click Close.
Checking and Updating Java Settings
If you have recently installed or upgraded to Java version 7 or higher, you may have some difficulty launching courses due to new security implementations. Google no longer fully supports Java plugins and this may cause issues in trying to run some courses in Google Chrome. It may be necessary to reconfigure your Java settings as described below. If you are using Chrome and these settings do not help, try using another browser. Examples of the Java-related errors you may encounter are shown below.
To update your Java configuration:
1. Launch the Java Console from the Start menu under All Programs. What you see may be different depending on the version of Windows you use. From the Java folder, select Configure Java or Java Console.
2. Click the Security tab, and then click Edit Site List.
3. In the Exception Site List pop-up window, click Add.
4. A space to enter the new web address will open up under the last existing entry in the list. Enter http://latitudelearning.com and then click OK. You should return to this window again to add a second URL: http://scorm.latitudelearning.com.
5. Click Continue to bypass the Security Warning message.
6. In the Java Control Panel window, click OK to finalize the changes.
If you adjust these system settings and the issue persists, please contact your LMS Training portal administrator.