The Student role represents the base level of user access rights in the Latitude Learning LMS. While this Role provides limited functionality, it is a critical component of the default set of Roles provided with the system. It generally allows a user to enroll and participate in training programs and to generate transcript activity for ongoing reporting. Watch this LMS training video or review the information below for an introduction to all student functions in the LMS
The majority of users in most LMS setups are students. Users assigned the Student role can search both Course and Resource catalogs, enroll in and launch courses they are eligible to take, as well as view the Training Calendar to enroll in instructor-led course offerings.
The Student-level user can also check his/her training schedule at-a-glance from the Home page, update contact and password information from the My Details tab, and access his/her personal transcript information and printable Certificates of Completion from the History tab. Note: Additional tabs may also be visible depending on a student’s Position and Certification/Curriculum assignments.
Student Profile Setup
As you manage any user account, remember that a user Profile must contain at least one assignment to each of the following elements:
- ORGANIZATION – Attach user access to a specific organization level: Company, Business Unit, Division or Location. By default, all new accounts are created with a Student-level profile assigned to a Location-level organization. This ensures that transactions related to login and transcript activity are easily recorded and reported in the LMS. Profiles attached to higher organizational levels will grant access to all subordinate segments within the company structure.
- POSITION – Specify a user’s Position within the overall position-to-position hierarchy defined for your LMS portal. This selection, regardless of Role assignment, helps to determine oversight of other users assigned to subordinate positions in your LMS (i.e. which employees a user can view under the “My Employees” and “Approvals” tabs).
- ROLE – Unlike Position assignment in the position-to-position hierarchy, Role assignment determines access rights, such as the menu items and targeted navigation a user can see. Latitude provides a set of default roles that can be incorporated as part of any profile to determine user responsibility and functionality in the LMS.
The Add User process generates a user profile that is automatically is flagged as the Default and Primary with an assigned “Student” role. The Portal Administrator can then assign additional Organizations, Positions, and Roles to provide the access required. The initial framework grants new users immediate access to the LMS and ensures that authorized administrators will be able to impersonate the user during support activities. Note: Student-level Role assignment is also the default for portals utilizing the User Self-Registration feature.
The following examples illustrate basic student views and navigation abilities.
Standard Student Homepage
This view illustrates a basic student homepage, with core left navigation menu options to search courses and resources, as well as the training calendar and training location information. A Portal Administrator can feature various courses on the “Home” page (tab). The LMS Messaging tool sends registration, course and user activity notifications to the “Mail Center” section, as well as via email. Additional information on the My Details and History tabs is described below.
My Details: Fields on this tab allow students to manage their personal information, such as name, address and password. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find a complete list of active profiles. Users who have multiple profiles can toggle between them by clicking the Activate Profile button to enable access at the desired organization.
History: Users can review their Training History, Certification History, and Curriculum History from this tab. The training history search form is displayed as the default search option, and allows users to filter by enrollment status. This is also where users can view or print a Certificate of Completion for applicable courses.
Student Views with Employee Oversight
This image below portrays the standard student views described previously, but also includes the “Employees” and “Approvals” tabs, which appear dynamically for users who hold a supervisory position within the established position hierarchy. The student shown has also been enrolled in a Curriculum Program, which generates “Goals”, “Certification” and “Curriculum” tabs to view ongoing program assignments and status.
Employees: This tab reveals a complete list of subordinate employees to manage, based on the supervisor’s assigned Position and Organization. The list is scoped according to Position hierarchy and Company vs. Location level. You can filter this list by Department or Position and there are additional sorting options in links at the top of tab view.

Approvals: There are three types of Approvals -- Enrollment, Course Interest, and Self Registration. The Approvals tab automatically appears on a user’s homepage based on the reporting relationships between positions. Users with roles other than “Student” will also see an Approvals option in the left navigation menu.
Certification or Curriculum Program Views
Goals/Certification/Curriculum: These tabs relate to Certification and Curriculum programs and will populate only if your organization is actively using these features. Certification and Curriculum functions provide a flexible, performance-driven competency management tool, enabling administrators to define and manage their Training Programs. The feature allows you to mix prerequisites, equivalencies, electives, and mandatory courses with performance data to create certifications and curricula that drive employee performance.
Students can track their training requirements, accomplishments and outstanding goals under these three tabs, as shown below.

Some LMS users will fulfill responsibilities beyond the Student role parameters. A user profile can be set up with any combination of Organization, Role and Position assignments, allowing a user to switch profiles as necessary to complete their LMS duties. For more information on profile setup and user management, click this link: Manage User Account and Profile Records - Modify, Deactivate, Reactivate .