Interest lists help an LMS student express interest in a course for several reasons, including:
1. There is no existing classroom offering available.
For example, a student is interested in taking a Classroom course that has no offerings scheduled, so he is unable to attend. Or perhaps the course is only offered at a Locale in California, and he lives in Michigan. In these scenarios, students can add an interest in a course to let their administrator know that users would like to take a class at places or times it is not currently being offered. Administrators can then run reports about course interest and use the information in planning new offerings.
2. The student is unsure of their ability to attend or take the course (i.e. scheduling, budget, managerial approval).
One scenario may be that a student is interested in taking a course that requires tuition, but cannot or is not willing to pay for it at this time. That student can add the course to their Interest List, where it will sit on their homepage as a reminder until they are willing and able to pay for and attend the course.
3. The student enrolls in a course that is part of an established series of coursework.
Administrators can set up courses as a Series, or bundle of related coursework. When a student enrolls in a course that is part of an established Series, but requires approval or prerequisite training, related courses will automatically pull into the “Interest List” section of the student’s homepage. Because the Series feature can be used separately or in conjunction with Prerequisite setup, students may or may not be forced to complete the courses in consecutive order. Either way, they will see that their administrator intends for them to complete the training series, not just a single course.
LMS administrators can configure a course to allow the use of interest lists by setting the “Allow Use of Interest Lists” indicator to Yes while adding or editing a course. They can also, from the left navigation menu, click Interests and utilize demand forecasting to determine when and where they should offer a course next.
Add a Course to Your Interest List
To add a course to your Interest List:
1. Using the Search Courses function, find the Classroom course you are interested in taking.
2. In the search results, courses that allow the use of interest lists will display an active “Add Interest” button under the Action column. The button is inactive for courses with no Interest List availability. To add the course to your Interest List, click Add Interest.
3. On the Add to Interest List page, select the Location for which you are interested in taking the course. The options include the Local Locale Only, Within the Business Unit, or Any. Details of your eligibility to express interest in the course display under the "Status" heading. The system notes whether or not you are Eligible and Qualified to add your interest.
4. Click Submit. After submission, the system will update the status of your request. Depending on the settings in your LMS, your status may show “On Interest List” or the request will be “Pending Manager Approval.”
Note: Courses can also show up on your Interest List when you enroll in a multi-course series. Once you enroll in one of the courses in a series, Interests are automatically added for all other predecessor and successor coursework.
View Your Interest List
To see the courses in which you have expressed interest, on your LMS Home page, expand the “Interest List” section. It displays information about the status of the entry, including pending prerequisites. You have the option to click Cancel to remove a course from your list of interests.
