At we greatly value the feedback of our customers and partners...And we work to address issues and enhancement requests as part of our ongoing relationship. Recently, the LatitudeLearning Support Team incorporated the following updates to address targeted issues and improve overall capability of the Learning Management System. Here are highlights from those recent updates:
On-Screen ‘Web View’ for LMS Reports - In addition to the existing PDF and Excel report formats, Latitude has also enabled a ‘Web View’, or on-screen format available to authorized LMS administrators in viewing report results. This new report output option is available via drop-down selection currently available on report filter pages for all LMS reports.
Expandable Information Areas – Targeted LMS Pages have been updated to provide expandable information areas that offer users the option to expand at-a-glance information provided by the LMS. Users can view the expanded information by clicking on the [+] expansion control. Areas affected include: User History (transcript), Course Offering Details, and Interest List Summary Search Results. In the case of course transcript history, this expanded information provides the user with detailed transcript status, as well as a history of changes tied to a given user transcript. For instructor-led course offerings (i.e. with scheduled dates and times, at a given training location), the expanded information provides the user with detailed facility information, including address and a linkout to integrated Google Maps for directions to a given training facility.
Update List of Available Countries – A standard, updated list of countries has been added to all 'Country' drop-downs throughout the site.
Location Field Expanded – In an effort to provide more flexible naming conventions and assignment, the length of the 'Location' field used for administrative entry and search has been expanded to better accommodate Location Codes of varying lengths. Areas updated include: Approve Pending Enrollments; Location Training History Report; Incomplete Self-Studies for Location Report; Location Incomplete, No-Show, Failed and Ineligible Report; View Goals (for portals with Certification Management enabled).
Thank you again for your ongoing interest and input to improve the capabilities of LatitudeLearning LMS…Please stay tuned for additional news and updates as the team continues to incorporate your feedback over the days ahead.
For additional information on LatitudeLearning capabilities and solutions, feel free to visit our website at, or contact our team directly at