If you are interested in upgrading your LMS with add-ons or customized features, initiating the process is easy. Our website lists all LMS Add-Ons that require an additional charge.
Note: Many features that were formerly part of our Professional LMS package are now available to all LMS customers, free of charge. Find the complete list of new standard LMS Features on our website. To accommodate customers who do not want these new capabilities in their portals, we enable the additional features as a package, upon customer request. If you want to activate the new standard features, you should not use this upgrade process. Instead, contact us at Support@LatitudeLearning.com and tell us to activate the “full standard LMS package”. A customer support representative can answer any questions you may have and will notify you when the features become available to in your portal.
To upgrade with paid Add-Ons or customized features:
1. Login to the LMS as a portal administrator.
2. From the left navigation menu, select Site Management => Upgrade My LMS.
3. In the “LMS Upgrade Request Form”, provide the following information:
- Active Users: From the Active-Users drop-down list, select the entry that best represents your LMS subscription size (in numbers of users).
- Upgrade Request Description: Enter a brief description of the requested upgrade. There is a 500 character limit.
- Attach File: Click Choose File to select a file containing additional information about the request.
4. Click Submit. Latitude will review your request and email you a quoted price within two business days.
5. Once you receive the quote, review it and respond to the email with your approval or with additional questions.
6. Complete your payment for the upgrade.
7. Upon acceptance and payment, Latitude will process the upgrade and notify you of the changes when they are ready.