When administrators create courses or certifications, they establish whether or not a Certificate of Completion is available to students who successfully complete the requirement. They can modify this course or certification setting at any time. Therefore, not all courses or certifications you complete may provide the option to print or view a certificate.
Determine if a Certificate of Completion is Available
Before you take a course, you can determine if it will provide a Certificate of Completion.
1. Search for the course. For instructions on this functionality, please review this document: Locate and Enroll in a Course
2. Once you locate the course, click on the title to open the Course Details page.
3. If the Course Completion Certificate indicator is set to “Yes”, you may print or view the Certificate of Completion upon your successful completion of the course.

Portal Administrators can add a Printable Certificate option for Certifications under Certifications > Add Certification or check to see if an existing Certification provides a Completion Certificate by reviewing a certification under Certifications > Search Certifications.
Locate and View the Certificate of Completion
Note: This function requires the use of Adobe Reader or a similar .pdf reader program. Download (free): Adobe Reader
1. From the Navigation page, select Training History or if using the Classic LMS Home page, select the History tab.
2. Select the link for Training (courses), Certification, or Curriculum, depending on the type of Certificate you want to display.
3. For course completions, on the Search criteria , select Completions Only and then click Search. For certifications or curricula, select the Program and check Show More Detail, then click Search.

4. This will display a list of all the courses or certifications/curricula you have successfully completed. Locate the appropriate entry in the list and click the Certificate. Remember that not all courses or certifications/curricula may have certificates available.

5. Adobe Reader (or your alternative .pdf reader) opens and displays the certificate. You then have the option to print a copy or save it as a file to a local drive.
For Portal Administrators: Understanding What Will Print on a Certificate
Whether your LMS uses the default standard certificates provided by LatitudeLearning or has engaged Latitude to customize them, it is important to understand what you can expect to print on a certificate. Some key points to know:
- LMS Admnistrators can customize their certificates by adding a logo under Site Management > LMS Information > LMS Branding. All other customizations require paid development effort by Latitude ClientCare.
- Currently the certificate display process does not support the option to provide separate certificates by user preferred language or other variables. By default, all certificates are US English-based.
- Static information on the certificate is provided in English. This is information such as headings, labels, and other texts that do not vary by certificate.
- Dynamic information on the certificates is pulled in depending on variables such as the course or certification name, the user name, dates, etc. These fields will display information based on the user's preferred language and will display the texts that the LMS administrators have provided as translations for particular field, such as Course Name, in that language. In the case of completion dates, the date format will be that of the selected language, such as dd/mm/yyyy for European languages rather than mm/dd/yyyy for US English. This means that in the current design, static texts would be in English, while dynamic information could be pulled in from an alternate preferred language resulting in mixed language on the certificate.
- If you request a custom certificate, it is important to relay special language requirements and other desired behaviors to Latitude ClientCare before development work begins. After it is completed, testing language behavior is critical during the warranty period. After warranty, charges to correct the behavior could be warranted.
- Portals with customized certificates that have passed Warranty with user acceptance may incur operational support charges for any new changes to the certificate that are not a result of a software assurance issue.