Latitude is a proud sponsor of the 2010 Chicago eLearning & Technology Showcase held August 11 at Roosevelt University's Conference Center, 525 S. State St., Chicago, IL.
The Showcase provides a full day of presentations and exhibit with an emphasis on the role of new media and interactive methods in business and institutional training. Conference speakers will explore all aspects of elearning—instructional design, development tools, media resources, virtual classrooms, social and interactive applications, mobile learning, rapid elearning, and more.
Latitude will be attendance and also exhibit at the conference showcase from 8:30AM and 6:00PM. Visit with our team to learn more about the range of content and capabilities available through your free membership on LatitudeU, as well as revenue opportunities and global reach available to training providers through a Training Store on LatitudeU. Learn more at In addition, we will be showcasing our open-source learning and certification management capabilities available through our software-as-a-service model LMS,