Course Topics provide a way of browsing the course catalog by subject category, or topic. To use this tool, Portal Administrators activate the Topics feature, add one or more topics, and then associate the topics with the desired courses.
Portal Administrators can enable targeted branding of the user home page based on a user’s Position Group, an attribute associated with their Position Code. For example, you can have a home page designed exclusively for Sales people and another for Service technicians. Functionally, when a user logs in, the LMS will identify their position group and display a designated home page with customized HTML content.
The Latitude Learning LMS provides a set of established Roles, which define a user’s navigation and access rights to built-in tools and functionality. During user Profile setup, the Portal Administrator can tailor a person’s LMS experience and responsibilities by assigning one or more Roles tied to a corresponding Organization. This document outlines the set of default functionality and access rights for each established Role in the LMS.
The LMS Information page provides Portal Administrators an overview of their LMS subscription, add-on features, and configuration options. This document describes the key statistics and settings available under Site Management - LMS Information.
The Course Group Delivery Method provides an easy and flexible way to bundle multiple LMS courses together for a single training completion requirement. Instead of containing learning material, the content of the Course Group is a set of Component Courses, which already exist in your LMS. When a student enrolls in this type of course, a corresponding training widget appears on their LMS Home page, and will display component courses until the entire suite is complete. Students can then navigate to their History tab to print a Certification of Completion for the entire course group. If you have considered utilizing our powerful certification engine for assigning and tracking employee training, but are not looking for rigorous program and competency management , Course Groups could provide you a simplified form of certification. Use the LMS Reporting Tool to evaluate training progress and compliance at the course level instead!
This document focuses on the tools that allow administrators to communicate directly with LMS users, en masse or individually.
Person-to-Person reporting enables Portal Administrators to set up reporting relationships based on Username, rather than Position codes. With Person-to-Person reporting, a user may have zero, one, or multiple managers, similar to the way many organizations are structured today. These relationships also enable managers to view training, approve course enrollments and set and manage user goals in the same way they can with for Position Code Reporting.
The Latitude LMS now includes a mobile friendly view targeted primarily toward the student user. When a user accesses the LMS from a mobile device, they will see a simplified and easy-to-use interface. Mobile views are available for all portals without any extra configuration required of the Portal Administrator. We have worked to streamline the student interface and navigation to its most essential elements. Users are able to Log in, Search Courses, view Home page, My Details information, and training History.
Two Factor Authentication provides an alternative method for LMS access, enabling registered users to efficiently and securely restore forgotten login credentials without administrative intervention. Portal Administrators can enable and disable this optional feature on the Site Management => LMS Information page.
Sometimes an LMS user is mistakenly added to the system twice. E.g. An administrator manually adds a new user who was already self-registered, or the same person was listed twice in a user import file under two distinct Usernames. Our “User Merge” tool allows Portal Administrators to combine two active accounts into a single user record, retaining all associated profile information and training history.
The Course Equivalency feature allows Portal Administrators to build a set of eligibility rules that determine which LMS users qualify for completed credit in Course B, once they have passed Course A. This tool helps to eliminate the need for manual transcript administration, repetitive/unnecessary training exercises, or reconfiguration of Certification programs by developing a process to automatically grant students who fulfill all eligibility criteria credit for “equivalent” coursework.
The Latitude Learning LMS allows for streamlined setup and deployment of SCORM-based eLearning courses. Review the step-by-step information below to ensure successful definition and upload of course content to your learning center.
In the Latitude Learning LMS, Majors are used as a grouping mechanism to organize courses within a catalog. Categorize your courses by training topic or departmental program. This document describes how to add a major, manage major records, and utilize majors in course catalog search tools.
Once you have built out custom HTML content, CSS files and images for your LMS, you can choose which content should display for users at each organization within your Business Structure. This flexibility empowers one company to serve multiple franchise brands, or tailor content to the differing needs of training partners, all within the same portal.
This document explores the authoritative rights of LMS Instructors, Administrators and Portal Administrators to use the "Interest List" feature as a managerial and data analysis tool. All pages listed under Interests in the Left Navigation Menu help them to either create interests as a technique for mass enrollment, or review students’ expressed interests to produce useful training insights.